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Monday, September 19, 2011

What is Facebook ??

I just realized what exactly do we at facebook..
We sit & stare at a screen..
We talk to ourselves..
We feel Happy... We feel sad...
We give a smily even if we dont smile...
We have imaginary friends... zoos, farms, cities, &  fake animals..
We cook imaginary food in imaginary bakeries..
We play bingo that gives no money..
We commit crime and deal with imaginary Mafias... 
We poke people & think its OK..
We even write on walls..
We dont help anyone with their problem, we just like it...and sometimes we even comment.

Think about it..
Facebook is a mental hospital & we are all it's patients.
If U think the same as I do, feel free to share this on wall at Facebook.
And we will have a Party in my ward later!!!!!

Krish Sudhanshu

मेरी टूटी फूटी शायरी : जाना कही और ही था

                              जिंदगी सीधी मिली थी
                       हम टेढ़े- टेढ़े चले

                            अब यहाँ आकर लगता है कि
                     जाना कही और ही था