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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Diwali...festival like.. something.

A dad asked his son to explain "Diwali" to his younger brother...

The boy started...

"So..look bro. there was a dude called Ram.
He had like a big cool kingdom and people liked him.
He also had a step mom or something kinda a bitch who forced her hubby to send Ram to some jungle or something.
Coz.. he was going for 14 years...his wife and bro got along...u know to chill.
But dude...the forest was real scary shit..realy man...
and full of Devils and shit like that.
But this dude killed them with darts and arrows...
then one day some Bad asshole, jerk gangster Ravan kidnapped his babe...
and this dude and his bro were realy pissed...
So they got an army of monkeys...Now dont ask how they trained damn Monkeys in the forst...
The dude won and got back home with his babe and bro.
People thaught atleast they deserve like treat or..something.
But they had no Bar or clubs like stuff in those days.
So the lit lamps at there home and chilled...
and thats how it all started..."

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